Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sweet Dreams (Cover)

More from those People I Just posted about. In this one, the girl, Neha, has a singing part that is absolutely amazing. In my opinion.

I Want You (She's so heavy) Cover

Great Musicians. I was actually able to hear it in person, and I want to spread the music because I thought they were amazing!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Summer Ending Soon

So, I haven't really posted in while. It's been a looong summer, and I still have a week left. Like, what? I started my summer vacation, after school, on the 6th of June. Yes. LONG SUMMER. Marching band has started up, and with that, many other school sports have too. I would join the football team, but I am in the band, and it would really conflict. Maybe I will try juggling them next year, Lord be willing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Want to Help Me Make a Collage of the World?

I love the fact that so many people are reading my blog!! People from all around the world!! It may not be as many as other peoples' blogs, but I really don't care. Now an idea just came to me. Something that I really want to do, but can't do without your help. What would be awesome, is if you could send me a picture of yourselves somewhere in your country. Maybe next to a famous structure (statue, tower, mountain range, etc.), or just outside on your street, and then put the name of the country. I think it would be cool to get pictures from all around the globe, and put them together! Like a collage of the world! Would you be willing to help me do this? If so, comment below,  +1, and/or share with your friends and family,  so we can make this world collage! If enough people are willing to help, I will post a way to share the photos with me. Thank you for reading, and I hope you are willing to help me with this!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Let's Change the World

You know how more and more people are becoming "poor"? Where they don't have enough money to afford the necessities? How prices are skyrocketing? How more people are becoming unemployed and it's harder for them to find a new job? In the race to become the best, the richest. Their selfishness, power, hunger, and greed, is making the rest of the world suffer. Machines have replaced the jobs of many factory workers. Prices are going up. We are overproducing products and doing nothing about it. Production is sometimes so fast paced that it becomes dangerous. There are people without running water, without food. The starving, the hungry, the homeless. Within our country and within other countries. While our supply is greater than our demand, other people are dying. The money we are wasting to produce useless extra products, could be used to help those starving, hungry, dehydrated, people. People are dying because of the greed of just a few people. People whose mind is only on one thing. Money.

Our meat packing industries are one of those that are only focused on the money. Did you know that meat packing is one of the most dangerous jobs in America? This is because it is so fast paced that many workers are injured on the job. Furthermore, this fast pace can sometimes result in manure ending up in our meat. Animals are kept in close quarters and fed antibiotics almost daily. Sometimes resulting in the bacteria becoming immune to the antibiotics. The meat industry is cruel to both it workers, an the animals. And for what? One word. Money.
We can change this. We can change the world. Most supermarkets buy more of what the customers buy. If more customers buy organic food, that what they will supply. It's horrible really... how some people just don't care. How they do whatever they can for money. What about the starving people in Sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world? Even right here in the U.S. Try thinking of it this way. How would you feel if everyday of your life, you had to work hard just to survive? Going back to your family every night, and having to huddle together just to keep warm? Sleeping on the floor, or a mat they you had to hand-make. If when you had a child, you had to keep in mind that your child might die before they were even one-year-old, because you don't have enough food, or water, and because there aren't very many doctors where you are. It's those things that we take for granted that can make the difference on whether a person lives or dies. And somewhere, someone is experiencing what I just described.

You may be asking yourself, "I am just one person, one out of seven-billion. What can I do?"
Everything. What you do can change someone's life. Don't just sit back, take action. Together, we will change the world. Just because you are one person, doesn't mean you can't make a difference. I mean look at me. I am 14, yet here I am, writing. Raising awareness. Trying to change the world. There are people that need our help, and now is the time to help them. Now is the time. Join me, in changing the world. What can you do to help? got any ideas? Share them with the world.

Monday, October 14, 2013

I'm Back

Well... I haven't posted in a while, but I'm Finally back. I managed to find some time to get on here... YAY! :) Anyways school is back in session and i have band practice just about everyday until 5:30pm.Well.. i really should be doing my AP Human Geography Project... so... yeah.. Thanks For Reading, And Happy Columbus Day America!!! Did you know that America is only 237 years old??? I didn't lol. I also found out that if you live to be exactly 90 years old, you will have been alive for 32,850 days which is equivalent to 788,400 hours which is the same as 47,304,000 minutes which equals 2,838,240,000 seconds. Did You Know that?

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Make a Difference

There are many ways that you, as an individual, can make a difference, in the world, and in someones life. Here are a few ways that you can make a difference:
  1. If you go to a school or some where that kids often go, drop some pennies or nickles every now and then. When they find them, their faces will light up.
  2. Help someone on the street, a beggar, a person with no home, buy them something to eat. If you give them money, you never know what they will spend it on.
  3. Donate to a non-profit organization.
  4. If you are looking for a pet, get one from an animal shelter, and save it's life. I know its sad, but animal shelters only keep animals up for adoption for a couple of months before they put them down.
  5. Thank your military members for their service. They risk their lives for you, and their country. 
  6. Ask a senior if you can help with their groceries if they are struggling. They have lived many years, they have given to the earth and its people, and we can give back to them.
  7. Hold the door for someone.
  8. Smile. There is so much that a smile can do.
This is just part of my list. What can you come up with?