Monday, December 17, 2012

The 1st Amendment

In Rogate we are talking about the first amendment. I don't really have any lingering questions on the topic, but there have been many court cases in which the first amendment comes into play.

The first amendment grants us 5 freedoms. Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, and Petition.
Freedom of Speech allows us to speak our mind about the goverment without getting in trouble.
Freedom of Press allows us to write about the goverment and share our opinions without getting in trouble, as long as we don't tell lies to ruin someones reputation.
Freedom of Religion says that we can practice any religion we want.
Freedom of Assembly allows us to come together in a peaceful protest.
Freedom of Petition allows us to make and sign petitions.

Ok, so I want you to think about freedom of religion.  Freedom of Religion allows you to practice any religion you want. I want you to think about the following and tell me what you think.

In one court case, a child died due to the family's religion. The child was 2 years old. He got sick, and the family's religion didn't believe in the use of medicine, instead they believed in prayer. The child ended up dying.
Is this family protected by Freedom of religion??
Also, for punishment, the parents were FORCED to take the remainig kids to a pediatrition for regular check ups.
Is this Punishment Legal???
Is it against Freedom of Religion???
What do you think??

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